Volunteer Opportunities at TIS

Sep 22, 2020

Dear Parents,

It is hard to believe that we have almost finished the first month of the new school year! It has been a smooth transition and we are grateful for the ongoing support we have received from the TIS community. 

At this time, we would like to invite parents to become more involved in the school community. Parent volunteers are a powerful resource and support base for our school. We currently have two opportunities available for interested parents to lend a helping hand:   

Volunteer Lunch Supervision

Many of our teachers are currently managing extra teaching loads as we wait for the borders to re-open so our new teachers can join our team. In addition to teaching more classes, our teachers are also carrying out extra lunch supervision duties. We would like to lessen their load by having interested parent volunteers assist us with some of these responsibilities. Supervision hours are from 11:30am -12:00pm (Elementary) and 12:00pm-12:30pm (Secondary). Parents can volunteer for one or both times and for any number of days during the week. We ask that volunteers make a commitment until the Christmas break.

Please note that as part of ongoing commitment to student safety, parents will be required to do the following prior to their first supervision shift:

  1. Fill out the Macau health declaration prior to entering the school.

  2. Get a police check (Macau ID Dept, Rua de Coimbra n.º 225, 3.º andar, Nova Park, 3rd Floor, Taipa)

  3. Sign a Child Protection Policy form

We would be happy to assist you with the above process and are looking forward to having you on campus. 

TISPA Class Representatives 

We are currently looking for ‘Class Parent Representatives’ to help us foster communication and conversation between parents and each class. If you would like to contribute to your child’s class, we invite you to send your child’s homeroom teacher a private/direct message.

If your name is selected to be a Class Rep, your child’s homeroom teacher will contact you to inform you of your duties and responsibilities. Parent reps will meet with the school leadership team on a monthly basis to share information and gather feedback. 

More information about the above volunteer opportunities will be provided at Curriculum Night on Thursday, September 24th. 

Thank-you for considering a volunteer position at TIS. We look forward to working with you!


Howard Stribbell
Head of School






在等待澳門境邊重開讓新老師正式報到之際,學校目前許多在校老師除了需要兼顧額外的教學任務、為未能入境的老師接替授課之外,他們還需要在午膳時間監督學生情況。為減輕在校老師的負擔,學校現誠邀義工家長參與午膳監督工作。參與之義工家長服務時間為上午 11:30 至 12:00(小學午膳時間)以及中午 12:00 至 12:30(中學午膳時間)。有興趣的家長可選擇一週內挑選單一時段或雙時段參與,亦可一週內參與多天。這項義工家長服務會持續至聖誕假期為止。



  1. 進入校園前請先填妥澳門衛生局健康申報

  2. 前往離島政府綜合服務中心3樓申請「刑事紀錄證明書」(位於氹仔哥英布拉街濠珀)

  3. 簽署兒童保護政策








Howard Stribbell


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