Grades 7 to 12
As students emerge into young adults, TIS provides an environment where they are free to expand their horizons and stretch themselves mentally, physically, and emotionally
Division Three
Grades 7 to 9
As a middle school, the lower secondary team work hard to develop a sense of community and learning where adolescents can thrive and find a sense of belonging.
Students will study these core subjects all year:
Language Arts
Social Studies
Students in Grade 7 and Grade 8 will have two option courses per semester:
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Students in Grade 9 will have additional option choices.
*Mandarin students are grouped by level and not by age so that students at all levels can achieve improved language skills.
We also offer classes for those new to English during and after school to support their content learning in the classroom.
Division Four
Grades 10 to 12
One School, Two Diplomas: Options for TIS Students
All students who attend TIS are enrolled in the Alberta High School Diploma programme. Students who take the Full IB Diploma Programme and are in good academic standing may be exempted from meeting Alberta graduation requirements. With this in mind, four high school options are available to TIS students:
Full IB Diploma
Alberta Diploma and the Full IB Diploma
Alberta Diploma with selected IB courses
Both the Alberta and IB courses are delivered concurrently, so students who choose one of the IB options may earn credit towards both diplomas.
Student Eligibility and Prerequisites for the Full IBDP
Since the IB Diploma Programme is a rigorous academic programme, students must meet certain eligibility requirements in their Grade 10 year before they can enroll. The goal is student success, so TIS strives to assist students in choosing the option that provides the greatest opportunity for them. Students must demonstrate the aptitude, work ethic and previous academic results before they will be considered for admission into the IBDP. These requirements are listed below.
Grade 10 students who are interested in the Full IBDP must:
Complete all prerequisite courses in good standing
Earn a minimum grade of 3 in all of the prerequisite courses for each of their IBDP Standard Level course selections
Earn a minimum grade of 5 in all of the prerequisite courses for each of the IBDP Higher Level courses
Demonstrate they are meeting school expectations in their Approaches to Learning (ATL)
Students make the decision to enroll in the Full IBDP when registering for their Grade 11 courses. This usually takes place in April of their Grade 10 academic year.
Approaches to Learning Skills (ATL)
ATL skills are important learning tools that can benefit students during their educational journey as well as in their lives beyond the classroom. In essence, ATLs are a set of practical strategies, skills and attitudes used by leading education programmes such as the International Baccalaureate Programme and teachers worldwide that support the idea that a significant influence on a student's education is not only what you learn, but how you learn.
As an International School, we aim to help each child succeed and to provide a fulfilling learning environment. ATLs assist students in reaching their full potential no matter their learning level. The following shows you which ATLs TIS has been prioritising as areas of focus.